Saturday 22 December 2012

Top 100 women: business and trade unions

Top 100 women: business and trade unions

Women in Business 2012-2013

Women in Business 2012-2013

31.01.2013 - 00:00


Women entrepreneurs

Women in Business Challenge 2013: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs to Drive Growth.


Participate in the 4th edition of the business plan competition for women entrepreneurs in emerging markets.
The competition is open to women entrepreneurs of emerging countries who have created a business plan, which fulfill the eligibility and evaluation criteria. Since its creation in 2009, Women in Business has provided support, coaching, visibility and finance to over 600 women heading businesses in emerging countries. 15 finalists have been supported and coached, 4 of whom have been awarded as laureates.

* Receive feedback and support in writing your business plan
* Access our coaching program
* Win a business trip for training, b2b and investor meetings
* Get access to a network of more than 40,000 like-minded entrepreneurs, coaches and investors
* Win tailor made business coaching worth €5,000 from UnitedSucces

After you submit your plan:
You will receive feedback and suggestions in each stage.
In August 2013, the finalists will be selected. 5 women entrepreneurs will be invited for a business trip.
Whether or not you become a finalist, all high quality business plans are eligible for the BiD Network Investor Matchmaking Services.

Promote this competition

Click here to download the media kit.

Information on past editions:

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Spark the Rise is a unique online platform for change-makers across India to connect with one another, collaborate and exchange ideas, procure volunteers and donors, and to compete for monthly grants from Mahindra. Submit a “Spark” – a Project or Idea that aims to drive positive change – and work with the Spark the Rise community to make it a reality! Browse through existing Sparks and support your favorites by voting, volunteering, lending your expertise, or providing funds and equipment. Hope on over to our Discussion Forum, introduce yourself, and Spark a conversation. The Spark the Rise Community is growing and thriving – join today and play your part in India’s Rise!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Tuesday 21 February 2012